Tristan Schorn

Things that last

I am intrigued by tools that perform a job for a long time, perform that job well, and don't have to be replaced very often. The first example for me was Safety Razors. I've had mine for over a decade at this point. So, I thought I would write up my thoughts on why one should strive to use such tools. The obvious reason are economic, and environmental in nature. But sometimes there is more nuance to the reasons to use these things (or, to not use them).

On the one hand, it's great to only have to buy something once. It can be thought of as a legitimate investment, if the single purchase saves you countless purchases in the future!

On the other hand, the supplier of the things that don't last needs your constant economic propping up, says the dyed in the wool capitalist. If you only have to buy something once, how are they going to continue to make money?

I don't but that argument, though. There is nearly 8 billion of us now, and if a business can't find new purchasers of their products in a pool that large, maybe they shouldn't be in business (the one exception to this is buying a service with ongoing costs to the creator, such as a SaaS product or a streaming service).

I thought I would write up a quick piece on each of these that I have experience with

I'll update the above with links to the articles as I finish them.

© 2022, Tristan Schorn